CTIS members Louise Pears, Madeleine Le Bourdon, Marine Gueguin and Harrison Swinhoe were awarded the Early Stage Collaborative Excellence Award in recognition of excellent practice in student education. This award was for an ongoing piece of research "#GlobalChallenges: Social Media, Pedagogy and International Studies", funded by BISA an dbeing carried out in collaboration with Andreas...
We are delighted to announce that director of CTIS Madeleine Le Bourdon won the Early Career Excellence Award in the University of Leeds Teaching Awards which celebrate excellent practice in student education and recognises the importance of teaching and learning as a scholarly activity. You can read about all the 2023 winners here And Madeleine's...
CTIS partnered with the Centre for Global Security Challenges and their podcast Insecure: A security podcast to work with students on the Security Studies Module to co-create the episode the future of Security Studies. This episode was live recorded in a lecture theatre and was a first foray for us into podcasting as pedagogy (not...
CTIS's latest episode of Politics and Pedagogy is live and available across all platforms! In this episode CTIS are joined by Dr Sharon Stein Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Studies at the University of British Columbia, and Dalila P. Coelho a Ph.D researcher at the University of Porto. This episode asks if 'confronting coloniality' provides a better framing for...
At the annual Political Studies Association Conference in Liverpool CTIS was awarded the Jacqui Briggs prize for the team advancing teaching and learning in politics studies. The judges commented "They have shown how they have advanced teaching and learning and pedagogical innovations in their own university and beyond." Read more about the prizes on PSA's...
We are delighted to launch the first series of “Politics and Pedagogy” a podcast run by the Centre for Teaching Innovation and Scholarship in Politics and International Studies at the University of Leeds. This first series is funded by The COST Action DecolDEV which takes on the challenge to reconstruct the concept and practice of...
Last week we received the fantastic news that BISA, through there Learning and Teaching Small Grant, have awarded Anna and Simon a grant to support our Thinking Inside the Box project. Our project is a student-led, co-curricular curriculum redefined (CR) endeavour that connects Latin American archival materials with student directed outcomes to mark the 50th anniversary of the Chilean military coup...
Louise Pears and Madeleine Le Bourdon, working with Nat Jester from the University of Gloucestershire and Andreas Papamichail from Queen Mary University of London have been awarded the British International Studies Teaching and Learning Small Grant to pursue the project "#GlobalChallenges: Social Media, Pedagogy and International Studies". This work seeks to examine how students already...
This week saw the arrival of Thinking Inside the Box, a student-led travelling exhibition of political pamphlets and posters. The project originally took place in late 2021, when students from various departments at King’s College London visited Senate House Library's collection of Latin American Political Pamphlets to explore and choose materials. The images making up...
The Leeds Student Education Conference programme is now live and we are delighted that CTIS members are taking part. Dr Anna Grimaldi and J. Simon Rofe will be presenting their paper 'Thinking Inside the Box: an approach to Curriculum Redefined' as part of the Innovative Pedagogies Panel. Dr Le Madeleine Le Bourdon and Dr Louise...